Satei Hato

The founder of Blue Bottle Coffee James Freeman often mentions that he is deeply influenced to make their shops by the coffee shop culture in Japan, and in an interview (*), he said that "the most inspiring thing about Japanese brewed coffee is the service aspect. People go to painstaking lengths to prepare and serve food." Satei Hato is the very one which provides exceptional coffee & food without any hesitation on that. Freeman also listed Hato as one of the most inspirational coffee shops in Japan.

Open Hours

11:00am - 11:00pm


NameSatei Hato
AddressTokyo 1-15-19, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku
Map Google Maps
Web Web
Category Cafe Tokyo
Published2016-02-11 16:21:02
Updated2016-03-06 08:36:55

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