You might be surprised to know that more than one-third of the total land area of Tokyo is covered by forest, and almost all of them are full of nature, surrounded by water and green.
Among the areas, Okutama is especially a popular, and just by taking an 90 minute train ride from Shinjuku station, you will be amazed with an entirely different world spreading out before your eyes.
Log home "Mori no Cory" is a perfect basement in Okutama to fully enjoy such a wonderful nature, and is powered by three companies having the same mission: Let People to Experience Tokyo's Rich Forest. It is not a famous spot for tourist overseas yet, but it will be, soon.
Name | Log Home "Mori no Cory" in Okutama (Airbnb available) |
Address | Tokyo Kotaba 225, Okutama-cho, Nishitama-gun |
Map | Google Maps |
Web | Web |
Category | Accommodation Tokyo |
Published | 2016-03-19 11:31:26 |
Updated | 2016-03-20 17:07:52 |
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