Fake food in a restaurant window might be the art form nearest to Japanese, but we tend to pass through its true value as it is too familiar with our daily life. However, it does not apply for many people overseas. To meet the high demand, the biggest replica food manufacturer IWASAKI launched the shop in Asakusa, showcasing and selling replica food products, which had been available only for business use.
Name | Ganso Shokuhin Sample-ya (Replica Food Shop Originator Sample-ya) |
Address | Tokyo 3-7-6 Nishi Asakusa, Taito-ku |
Map | Google Maps |
Tel | 0120-17-1839 |
Web | Web |
Category | Sightseeing / Leisure Tokyo |
Published | 2016-03-21 21:37:36 |
Updated | 2019-12-06 11:23:10 |
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